terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2008

AGORA EU ERA... Companhia do Chapitô apresenta espectáculo para a infância!!

Sábados e Domingos às 16h00
e pequeno atelier de origamis
Reservas: 218 855 550

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

parabens! some nice friends took me to see the show last week and was very very impressed. i don't speak much portuguese, but that was perfectly ok since the production is so intuitive and imaginative, and will draw anyone in. the props were so minimal but sophisticated and the actors were wonderful. and your location is beautiful. parabens again!

Anónimo disse...

Muito bonito, imaginativo e divertido o espectáculo.
Gostámos muito e não poderia deixar de vos dizer isso.